Are you looking for ideas for your Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign?
Look no further than our annual participants to find fun and successful ideas to host a Souper Bowl of Caring Campaign!
These are some great examples of how you can have a successful Souper Bowl of Caring event. Feel free to share your great idea and we will add it to one of our lists! Email your story to

Hosting A "Souper" Supper? Here are Ideas and Recipes For YOU!
Some groups like to host a "Souper Bowl Sunday" Soup Supper. Learn How They Do It!
Over the last 33 years of the Souper Bowl of Caring, thousands of groups have participated in a "Soup" event to encourage people to think of those "without a bowl of soup to eat" on the day of the Big Game. With over $16 billion spent on the Super Bowl festivities, it seems fitting that we ask for just one dollar or one can of food to help feed those in need.
Some groups host soup meals and collect freewill offerings to benefit their local food charity.
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Need Soup Recipes? Here are Some of Our Participants' Favorites AND their Stories of Success! Thanks so much for sharing! For additional soup recipes, visit our full recipe page, in collaboration with The Mom100 Blog!